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Student Success Story: Podcasting

Julie Eickhoff

Meet Marty Young! Welcome to our latest blog post, where we're delighted to introduce you to Marty Young, a remarkable voice artist who embarked on a unique journey from being a pastor for 50 years to becoming a voice artist and podcaster. Please read on as Marty shares insights into his background, motivations, and experiences in the world of voice overs. And be sure to check out the link to his podcast near the bottom!

Q: Marty, let's start by getting to know you. What was your background before you ventured into voice overs?

A: I spent 50 years of my life as a pastor. However, as retirement approached, I sought new opportunities to stay engaged and explore my passions.

Q: What types of voice over work have you completed so far?

A: I’ve done live sporting event announcing (basketball, football and baseball), several local radio spots for local businesses, a weekly (or thereabouts) 30 minute podcast in its 2nd season with 60 episodes and counting, having

over 7000 downloads and growing…in 45 states, 28 international countries on 6 continents!

Q: What motivated you to enroll in the Work from Home doing Voice Overs course?

A: As I was preparing to retire, I started to think that audiobook narration and commercial voice over work would be a good fit for me.

Q: How did you find the Work from Home doing Voice Overs online course?

A: I simply Googled “voice over training”. And that’s how I came across your courses.

Q: How long ago did you complete the course?

A: I initially completed the course during the COVID pandemic in 2020. However, I revisited it as I explored new opportunities and refreshed my memory on specific modules that I had forgotten or needed clarification on.

Q: What's a typical workday like for you as a voice artist?

A: I’m usually up @ 5 AM at least 3 days a week to write & study a couple of hours, since I am retired. Ideally, I record on Tues (2-2 1/2 hrs), mix on Wed, Thurs AM as needed. (If interviewing, I schedule that when the guest is available. I try to give 20 days to edit, mix and master the interview. (More voices, more makes things more difficult) I then schedule the post when mixing is complete, give it a title, and write brief website description. My goal is to have the podcast ready to drop at 2PM EDT. I then create Facebook posts to announce the drop. I post the announcement sometime after 2, including visuals. Then I monitor responses & answer questions where appropriate, w/ personal messages, etc throughout the weekend when sites happen to be checked.

Q: What is your favorite type of voice over work?

A: Because I’ve become familiar with the process, I enjoy writing and mixing podcast episodes and when available, interviewing guests on my show. I also enjoy live sports announcing.

Q: What do you love most about being a voice artist?

A: The freedom of schedule! And the unexpected contacts made that wouldn’t occur otherwise. The discovery that people are, in fact, listening and enjoying my efforts is also a great feeling.

Q: What advice would you offer to those considering a career in voice overs?

A: Don’t enter it expecting to make a bundle. Accept any opportunity you’re invited to perform for. You never can tell what you might learn & what contacts you might make. Decide what you want your work to embody, then make a plan to get there, then WORK IT.

Q: Could you describe your recording space?

A: My recording space is a converted half of our duplex's laundry room. It's equipped with a Mac, an external screen, a two-channel mixer, a boom mic, a table mic, headphones, and acoustic panels on three walls and the ceiling. It’s my dedicated space for recording…except for Friday morning laundry.

A special THANK YOU to Marty for sharing his time and talents with us. We wish him the best with his retirement and voice over career!

You can listen to Marty's podcast, "The Primrose Chronicles," on most popular podcast apps.

Visit his website, The Primrose Chronicles, and check out his podcast by clicking the button below. Feel free to reach out at

Marty Young's journey from pastor to prolific podcaster and voice over artist showcases the incredible opportunities that can emerge when you follow your passions in retirement. We hope his story inspires you as you explore your own path in the world of voice overs.


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