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Advanced Editing and Mastering with Audacity

Julie Eickhoff

So you've got the basics of editing and mastering with Audacity down pretty good. But boy, it seems to be taking a lot of time! Are you spending more time than you would like editing out mouth clicks or trying to get your files to meet ACX submission standards?

Does this sound familiar?

  • Mouth Clicks are driving you crazy. No matter how much water you drink, you still make mouth noises.

  • Sometimes you don't meet ACX Submission standards. Or, ACX has failed your files in their QA check.

  • Editing and mastering is taking so much time, if you could speed things up you could make more money.

  • There's so much you don't know about how to add music to your audio files, or how to split a file into multiple tracks, or what all those effects are used for.

  • You want your audio files to sound cleaner and more professional

Well then, read on! The online course, Advanced Editing and Mastering with Audacity is just what you need Advanced Editing and Mastering with Audacity This is a video-based course with an accompanying downloadable Audacity Handbook PDF. Watch and learn at your own pace. Solve your editing headaches and learn to use Audacity's extra functions and features.

By the end of the course, you'll learn... Advanced Editing Techniques How to update your version of Audacity so that you always have the latest updates and features (new features!) You’ll download and install free new plugins that will help solve your editing and mastering problems You’ll learn how to remove unwanted clicks 3 different ways, including treating the entire track at once. You’ll learn new techniques for quickly pasting in room tone the exact length you need You’ll download free DeEsser plugins to help soften S sounds

You’ll learn how to fix your Plosives (popping P Sounds) You’ll learn how to fix Furry F Sounds You’ll learn Time Saving techniques You’ll learn how to dramatically improve recording time with two different techniques: Punch and Roll and Click and Roll

You’ll earn how to remove Effects that you don’t use You’ll learn how to record on a New Track or on the Same Track You’ll learn how to use Keyboard Shortcuts and how to create your own You’ll learn how to change Stereo Tracks into Mono Tracks You’ll learn how to find exact points in your recording using Selection Jump You’ll learn how to use chains of effects to speed up your mastering and improve your consistency

You’ll learn Mastering Techniques You’ll learn how to easily meet ACX submission requirements You’ll learn how to prevent failing the ACX QA You’ll learn how to change the Tempo of your recording You’ll Learn Extra Techniques You’ll learn how to Export and Label multiple tracks

You’ll learn how to add Music to your files And You’ll learn how to reduce noise that often accompanies USB microphones. Whew! That’s a lot!


Audacity Handbook Downloadable/Printable Resource Certificate of Completion Receive a Certificate when you complete the course. Post this on your profiles, your Linked-In profile and/or website to show your mastery of these skills to prospective clients.

This course is for you if…

You already know basic recording/editing and mastering using Audacity

You already have your microphone and recording space set up and functioning well

You’ve discovered that you have some problem areas that slow you down and would like to be able to edit and master your files more quickly.

You want your audio files to sound cleaner and more professional



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Audacity® software is copyright © 2024 Audacity Team. Web site: It is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. The name Audacity® is a registered trademark.


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