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Is the thought of too many steps, causing you to not even try?

Julie Eickhoff

Getting started in voice over

Ugh! That picture of all those steps! That looks like a lot of work. More work than I care to take on.

Well, that's one way to look at it.

Those steps are an actual staircase in San Diego. They separate the Gaslamp Quarter from a view of the ocean. After a particularly brutal Minnesota winter, my family climbed those steps while on vacation about 10 times just to get get a glimpse of the beautiful blue water. Not only did I feel great each time we did it (I was huffing and puffing a bit) about the mere challenge I had scaled, but then I also got to enjoy the view of the ocean, my main goal.

When you're faced with your own steep set of stairs before you on your way to accomplishing great things, enjoy every challenging step along the way.

As you're thinking about getting into the world of voice over, or if you're already in the field and have dreams of growth, lay out your plan of action one step at a time. Climb that first step, enjoy your accomplishment and then take the next step. Before you know it, you get to look back at the mountain you climbed and ahead at the goal you've accomplished.

In the course, "Work from Home doing Voice Overs," my teaching technique is the same. The entire process of setting up your voice over business is broken down into steps...getting your recording space set up, choosing your equipment...learning how to use the software...where to find work..and more. It's streamlined and easy to understand.

If you'd like to get a taste of what's in the course, please check out the Free Mini-Course - Intro to Voice Overs. It's a great first step!

I love working in the world of voice overs. And I love the flexibility that working from home has offered me. And I want to share that with you.

Good luck!


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